How Therapy Swings Can Help ❓ Improve Your Overall Mood

What are therapy swings?

In Australia, we are lucky enough to be supported by the ndis for those who need their support for disability equipment. Those searching for therapy swings there are many different types available on the market, but they all serve the same purpose: to provide a fun, safe, and supportive environment for children and adults with special needs to play, explore, and engage in therapeutic activities. Sensory swings can be used indoors or outdoors, and can be hung from a ceiling, mounted to a wall, or placed on a stand.

Types of the swings

There are many different types of therapy swings that can be used to provide a variety of benefits for people with different needs. Some of the most common types of therapy swings include:

1. Normal child therapy swings: These are the most basic type of therapy swing and are typically used for general therapeutic purposes. They can be used to help improve flexibility, range of motion, and overall strength and coordination. There is a large range of options for this style of product.

2. Disability swings are suited for autism or people that cannot control their movements. They have a different style that comforts and supports the user but is safe and secure.

3. Pod swing, tent swings, hammock chairs or nest swings help by supplying the child with a safe space, some can act as a deep pressure therapy product, and they also provide soothing hanging motion.

4. Wooden indoor swings with crash mats on the floor, a larger frame built inside out of the weather, 

5, Then we have an outdoor range with a massive selection of choices. You can build styles to suit individual people. 


1. A therapy swing is a type of swing that is designed to provide therapeutic benefits for children and adults with special needs.

2. Therapy swings can be used for a variety of purposes, including providing vestibular input, improving balance and coordination, and promoting social interaction.

3. Therapy swings are often used in occupational therapy and physical therapy programs.

4. There are a variety of different types of therapy swings available, including standard swings, bucket swings, and platform swings.

5. Therapy swings can be used indoors or outdoors.

6. They can be hung from a ceiling, doorway, tree, or other structure.

7. Most therapy swings are made from durable materials such as nylon or PVC.

8. Some therapy swings are motorized, while others are manually operated.

9. Therapy swings can be purchased from a variety of online and brick-and-mortar retailers.

Benefits of therapy swing

There are many benefits to therapy swings, including but not limited to:

– providing a calming and safe space for children and adults with autism or other sensory processing disorders

– helping to improve vestibular and proprioceptive processing

– aiding in the development of gross motor skills

– providing a fun and stimulating environment that can help improve your mood and well-being

– helping to promote social interaction and communication

– and more!

Above we have a list of all the terms for doctors and physicians, but for an everyday normal person, let’s look at what we call benefits,

– wriggling and giggling has to be healthy

– Kids and adults can use swing products in a variety of ways. For Example, spinning, hanging, jumping, jiggling, and bouncing. These are all a movement helping our vestibular system.

– As a parent, we know all children love fun and play and find it very therapeutic.

How to use sensory swings?

Therapy swings can be used in a variety of ways, but all share the common goal of helping the individual to feel better. They can be used to help someone process a traumatic experience, to work through difficult emotions, or simply to provide a space to relax and de-stress.

How often should therapy swings be used?

Therapy swings should be used as often as is necessary to achieve the desired results. This may mean using them multiple times per day, or just once every few days. It is important to work with a therapist or other healthcare professional to determine the best frequency of use for your individual needs.

Are there any contraindications for using therapy swings?

Yes, there are contraindications for using therapy swings. These contraindications include but are not limited to:

– Seizure disorders

– Cardiac conditions

– Pregnancy

– Open wounds or skin conditions

– Joint problems

– Recent surgery

If you have any of these conditions, it is best to consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before using a therapy swing.

Who can use special needs play

There are many people who can benefit from using therapy swings. These include people with autism, sensory processing disorder (spd), cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and many other conditions.

Therapy swings can provide a sense of calm and relaxation for people with autism. They can also help to improve gross motor skills, coordination, and balance. For people with sensory processing disorder, therapy swings can help to provide a sense of deep pressure and proprioceptive input, which can be calming and organizing.

Where to buy therapy equipment?

There are many places where you can purchase a therapy swing. Some common places include medical supply stores, online retailers, and catalogs. Many times, your therapist or doctor can also recommend a specific type or brand of therapy swing for you. OTwarehouse is an Australian registered company and an NDIS product provider to participants. we have partnered with quality businesses here in Australia.

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